Monday, June 8, 2009

Dream or Reality?

I have been reading alot about online work. It is amazing to me that you have to wade through all the scams. If I had to appears the scams to legit ratio is at least 100 to 1. That is amazing to me. What does that say about mankind? Sad to think our kids are being raised online and this is what they are exposed to. What does that communicate to them about trust?

To end on a more positive note, I have found what appears to be some legit work at home. If it pans out I will be happy to share. If you have any great finds in this area I would love to hear from you. Is it a dream or reality that we can find work at home to lead us "on the way to early retirement"?

Mornings, Coffee and a Laptop

I love the mornings. I enjoy not being rushed into the day. I want my coffee, my chair, and quiet to start the first 30 minutes of my day. By the second cup of coffee I am ready to move to the sun room if it is not a workday. There is something wonderful about sitting down with coffee and my laptop in the sun room. Enjoying a beautiful sunny day or a cozy rainy day. I love rain days when I can stay home. Enjoying the fact that I don't have to go anywhere. Enjoying time to do just what I would like to do. How many times do we ladies take the time to do that?

Now that I am in the second half of my life, I would love to be able to do that everyday. Still have not given up on working from home with my computer. Just have to find what I am looking for. Problem is I am not sure what I am looking for. It is baffling to me that at this stage of my life I am rethinking what I want to do with the rest of my life.....I have always known what I wanted and went after it. I don't remember a time in my life when I did not know what I wanted to do. So I find myself at age 53 in a place I have never been...indecisive. While I am trying to understand this strange place I am at, I am living an incredibly wonderful life with the love of my life. We are enjoying many things about this stage of our lives.