Saturday, July 17, 2010

A New School Year On It's Way

I haven't posted in several months, alot has been going on with Drake.  It appears the final diagnosis is Asbergers Syndrome.  He is high functioning and very smart which makes it very difficult to diagnose.  We have been relieved to find out that the anxiety comes from sensory issues.  He is going to Occupational Therapy twice a week and we are seeing results after just a few sessions.  He is such a sweet boy.  I so hope this school year will be better for him.  He is enrolling in a school with a strong satellite program for Autism.  We are hoping for him a happy, fun and successful school year.

Addison, our baby girl, will start big school this year, K5  She and Drake will be at the same school.  They grow up so fast.  We are trying to take advantage of every moment we can to enjoy their young lives.