Saturday, July 17, 2010

A New School Year On It's Way

I haven't posted in several months, alot has been going on with Drake.  It appears the final diagnosis is Asbergers Syndrome.  He is high functioning and very smart which makes it very difficult to diagnose.  We have been relieved to find out that the anxiety comes from sensory issues.  He is going to Occupational Therapy twice a week and we are seeing results after just a few sessions.  He is such a sweet boy.  I so hope this school year will be better for him.  He is enrolling in a school with a strong satellite program for Autism.  We are hoping for him a happy, fun and successful school year.

Addison, our baby girl, will start big school this year, K5  She and Drake will be at the same school.  They grow up so fast.  We are trying to take advantage of every moment we can to enjoy their young lives.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nana's Girl


My sweet, tender hearted precious grandson has quite a struggle he deals with most days.  He has OCD.  What I did not know before his diagnosis is there are several kinds of OCD.  He does not struggle with the contamination issues.  If he has to have OCD, I would rather it be that kind of OCD.  His is fear over something happening to him or those he loves.

If you know someone with a child struggling with OCD, check out my daughter's blog in my blog list below.  My grandson is on medication and in behavior therapy.  He is a very smart little guy.  Mr. Ross (his therapist) gives him specific things to do to face his fears and he works so hard to do just that.  A seven year old should just be able to be a little boy.  My daughter and son in law are great at trying to make sure he can do just that.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Amazing Savings with Coupons

There are some great blogs written by very frugal women who have saved hundreds each month on groceries. I have several listed in the blogs that I follow. These ladies are kind enough to share the items on sale this week by store, where to find the coupons for the items, and calculate your savings. It is actually possible to make money on some items and they share that as well. I have learned some great tips from reading their blogs.

Everyone is looking to save money these days. Since reading these blogs, I have saved HUNDREDS!

Thank you for sharing ladies.