Monday, February 1, 2010

Nana's Girl


My sweet, tender hearted precious grandson has quite a struggle he deals with most days.  He has OCD.  What I did not know before his diagnosis is there are several kinds of OCD.  He does not struggle with the contamination issues.  If he has to have OCD, I would rather it be that kind of OCD.  His is fear over something happening to him or those he loves.

If you know someone with a child struggling with OCD, check out my daughter's blog in my blog list below.  My grandson is on medication and in behavior therapy.  He is a very smart little guy.  Mr. Ross (his therapist) gives him specific things to do to face his fears and he works so hard to do just that.  A seven year old should just be able to be a little boy.  My daughter and son in law are great at trying to make sure he can do just that.