Monday, April 6, 2009

Massage Therapy

One of the things I first noticed about the man I feel in love with was his love for helping people with his hands and the joy it brings him. It might be changing a light bulb for an elderly neighbor, helping a friend fix or build something, stopping to help a stanger he sees in need of help. He notices the needs of others when the rest of us are too busy with our own life.

At the age of 54, he returned to school to become a licensed massage therapist. Many think of massage therapy as a luxury. Go to a spa, get a full body massage to treat yourself. Massage therapy is so much more than that. My husband works on problem areas....stiffness, chronic pain, etc.

You know I mentioned earlier that I love anything that mulitask, be it beauty products, health products, or services. Well massage therapy is one of those multi taskers I love. Visit my husbands blog for a list of those benefits at

search engine placement

1 comment:

  1. Massage therapists are talented health professionals. You are very fortunate to be married to one.
